Pecunia Nunc Is Live!

A few months ago, I came across this:

The link in the above tweet was to this:

As I was and am interested in working for Kickstarter, and was looking to shore up my portfolio, particularly with Ruby projects, I decided to take on the project.

After many false starts, I present to you…drum roll please

Pecunia Nunc

The idea is to send a daily digest of Kickstarter projects that fit a certain criteria to subscribers, such as - The projects are close to the finish line (>80% of goal funded) - The projects are ending soon (within 48 hours)

I believe this will enable Kickstarter enthusiasts who don’t have time to browse the many interesting, worthy projects regularly to fund them when they most need help. Scanning the email in the morning takes 10-15 seconds, or more if you happen to find a project to like.

I hope I’ve fulfiled a need. If not, there’s always next time.

